Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Artiste Management Team

Total Entertainment Arts Joint aims to be Singapore’s next leading artiste management company. Started with 1 staff, a fax machine and a burning passion and belief in the potential of local talents, it has grown by rapidly to what it is today. Striving towards proven track record in grooming successful artistes, Teaj has garnered wide-ranging support from the local media, broadcasters, production companies and corporate clients.

Teaj has always been quick to adapt to the ever-changing media landscape and is always ever ready for whatever the future may bring in its way. Teaj is poised for expansion into overseas markets in the near future to bring its services up to new hype.

The strength of our artiste management arm, our access to an available network of talents enable us to branch out into many different aspects of the industry. 

Teaj aims to continue to diversify into other areas of opportunities, like casting, movies and events, where there is a strategic and synergistic complement to our existing businesses. As the name suggests, Teaj will adapt & be an all rounder participant in the ever-changing entertainment industry. We are trendy, dynamic, flexible, fast, efficient, fun and motivated. Join us for if you are looking for a stable & growing home for we are here to stay!